Appendix 8 – Public Participation Protocol


PART A – Rules applying to all meetings



1.           These rules apply to all physical, remote and hybrid meetings, but not to Licensing Sub Committee Hearings, or Planning Committee A and Planning Committee B meetings (see Part B, paragraph 20).

2.           Meetings of Council, Executive, their Committees, and Sub-Committees are business meetings, convened to allow the Council to transact its formal business.  In law, there is a right for any person to attend such meetings for the purpose of observation and, should they choose, reporting on the proceedings; however, there is no general right for persons other than Members to speak at any such meeting.  Residents are, however, encouraged to participate in the Council’s decision-making process by sharing their views in a number of ways.


Making representations in response to the Forward Plan


3.           You can find out about forthcoming Key Executive and Executive Member business by looking at the Council’s Executive Forward Plan which is published on the Council’s website. You can make representations on any forthcoming Executive business by sending your views in writing to the report author either by email or post up to 3 weeks before the decision is due to be taken – residents views received after that time may not be addressed in the report but may be addressed at the meeting. The public can contact the Council regarding this through ‘HaveYourSay’ or can contact the author of the report.


4.           The report author’s contact details can be found on each individual Forward Plan item.


Participating at a public meeting


5.           All meetings are open to the public except when exempt or confidential information is being discussed.  Agendas for meetings can be found on the Council’s website, at least five working days before the meeting. 


6.           Dates, times and agendas for meetings are available via the calendar of council meetings on the Council website, at local libraries and on the West Offices notice board, usually five days before the meeting. You can also contact Democratic Services by emailing or telephoning York (01904) 551088 to find out when a meeting is taking place or to request an agenda.

7.           Council and Committee meetings take place at West Offices, although meetings of the Full Council may be held at alternative venues, details of which will be published in the notice of meeting, and on a video conferencing platform.


8.           Council meetings are usually live webcast and retained on YouTube which you can find out more about at

In some instances, the meeting will be recorded and not live webcast.  In these circumstances, the recording of the meeting will be uploaded to the YouTube page as soon as practically possible after the meeting.


9.           You can participate in a meeting by attending and listening to Members debate and make decisions, or by registering to make a statement, or by submitting a question, to designated meetings, in accordance with the following rules. 


How do I do this and what are the rules?


10.       Any member of the public living or working in the City of York Council area, or any appointed representative of any organisation operating within the council’s area, register to make a statement or ask a question during the public participation item, subject to timing and registration to speak.  Anyone wishing to speak should register no later than 5pm two working days before the meeting takes place.  You can register on the Council’s website at


11.       Only the Lord Mayor chairing Full Council, or the Councillor chairing the meeting, has the authority to accept a late registration to speak at a meeting, and only in exceptional circumstances which must be recorded in the minutes of the meeting. 


12.       There is a maximum period of 30 minutes at each meeting to listen to public speakers or for questions.  Each person registered to speak or ask a question is allocated a maximum time of 3 minutes and there will be a maximum of 10 registered public speakers at each meeting, registered on a first come first served basis.


13.       A speech or question may only be on any matter for which the council has a direct responsibility, or which affects the City to a greater extent than elsewhere, and the speaker may speak about an item on the published agenda for that meeting or issues which fall within the remit of that committee.


14.       In making a statement or asking a question, a member of the public is entitled to express views, positive or negative, about the Council but must not:

·                    Say anything which is defamatory or discriminatory;

·                    Make any personal attack on an Officer and / or Member;

·                    Disclose confidential information or exempt information including personal information.


Written representations from Members of the Public and those registered to ask questions at meetings

15.       If you are unable to be present at the meeting at which you have registered to ask a question, your statement or question may be ‘taken as read’ for consideration at the meeting, or you can request that the Lord Mayor, Leader or Chair read out your statement or question.  In the case of a question, you will then receive a written

response within ten working days of the meeting.


City of York Councillors wishing to speak at a meeting of which they are not a Member


16.       City of York Councillors who wish to speak at a meeting of which they are not a Member may participate in such meetings in any of the ways described in these rules.  The rules in relation to public participation will apply to such City of York Councillors as they would to any member of the public.


PART B – Rules applying to specific meetings


Remote Meetings


17.       Where public meetings are held remotely or in hybrid form, the provisions for Public Participation will be in accordance with the Council’s Procedure Rules and Guidance for Remote Meetings contained in Appendix 23 of the Constitution.  Statements and questions for remote meetings must be submitted in accordance with paragraphs 10 to 15 above.


Meetings of Council chaired by the Lord Mayor


18.        Public participation at meetings of the Council will occur in accordance with the Council Procedure Rules at Appendix 3 of this constitution.


Planning Committee A and Planning Committee B


19.       The applicant, their agent or advisor, and members of the public may register to speak on individual matters or applications to be determined at any planning committee meeting.  They should do so by contacting Democratic Services by emailing no later than 5:00 pm three working days before the meeting takes place, clearly stating their name, address, and the application they wish to speak in relation to.  No person may register to speak at a meeting before the publication of the Agenda for that meeting, and no member of the public may register to speak more than once at any meeting; Councillors may register to speak on more than one application, if representing their constituents.  If the meeting is being held in hybrid form, clear instructions will be provided to public speakers who have registered to speak on how to join the meeting remotely.  

20.       Members of the public that have registered to speak are strongly encouraged to email the points they wish to make to the Committee to Democratic Services as set out in paragraph 20 above prior to the meeting taking place so that in the event of technology difficulties, they can still be taken into consideration at the meeting.  Subject to the Chair’s discretion, these will not be circulated to the members of Planning Committee A and Planning Committee B unless technical difficulties are experienced during the meeting meaning that public participation of one or more registered public speakers is not possible.  This is to ensure all views are taken into consideration within the Planning Committee meetings and there is no discussion outside the meeting.


21.       It will be at the Chair’s discretion as to the limit on the number of speakers at that particular committee meeting, and speakers will be registered on a first come first served basis; each speaker will be invited to make their representation and will be allowed a maximum of 3 minutes each to speak and may subsequently be asked questions by Members.


22.       After each registered public speaker has finished speaking and Members have no further questions of them they will be asked to return to their seat but they may observe the remainder of the meeting.  Public speakers who are attending the meeting remotely will be asked to leave the remote meeting platform and will be able to view the remainder of the meeting via the live webcast broadcast online.


23.       After all registered public speakers have spoken and there are no further questions from Members, the Chair will invite Members to debate the application in question.  At this point there will be no further public speaking.


24.       At any time, it may be necessary for officers to address the Committee to answer questions asked or to comment or clarify any points (including public participation) that have been raised during consideration of the application or to advise the Committee.


25.       Any dispute or question as to procedure at the Committee, including the operation of this public participation protocol, will be determined by the Chair, whose decision on all matters will be final.


Licensing Committee meetings


26.       The rules on public participation at Licensing Committee meetings are as set out in Part A.


General Licensing Sub-Committee and Taxi Licensing Sub-Committee hearings


27.       The rules on public participation at General Licensing Sub-Committee and Taxi Licensing Sub-Committee hearings is set out in Annex 1 to this document.






1.           The procedure adopted at licensing hearings is at the discretion of the Sub-Committee but will normally follow the pattern outlined below.


2.           The Council's licensing hearings procedure is based on regulations made under the Licensing Act 2003. The procedure is intended as a general framework to ensure natural justice and a fair hearing. The Sub-Committee will be guided by legal principles in determining whether evidence is both relevant and fairly admitted. Sub-Committee Members have a duty to view all evidence presented before them impartially. No matter how strong local opinion may be, Sub-Committee Members can only make decisions in the context of the licensing objectives as set out in legislation as follows:


·                    The prevention of crime and disorder

·                    Public safety

·                    The prevention of public nuisance

·                    The protection of children from harm


3.           The licensing hearing will be in public session and this involves the publication of all paperwork relevant to the hearing on the Council’s website. This includes letters of representation either in support or objection. Name and address details of those making representations will be made public. Telephone numbers, email addresses and signatures will be omitted. The Sub-Committee may exclude the public from a hearing if it considers it in the public interest to do so. However, the decision will be made in private.


4.           In view of the requirement to hold hearings within specified timescales (usually 20 working days from the last date for representations), the Council is unable to enter into discussions to identify dates convenient to all parties concerned. In exceptional circumstances, the Council will consider applications to hold hearings at a later date.


5.           The Council will provide a record of the hearing in a permanent and intelligible form and keep it for 6 years from the date of determination or disposal of any Appeal.  The live stream of the Hearing will be recorded and the recording placed on the Council’s website.


Representations at Licensing Hearings


6.           The Applicant is permitted to speak at the hearing. Ward Councillors, responsible Authorities and Representors are only permitted to speak if they have made written submissions during the consultation period.  The Applicant and any Representors shall attend in person wherever possible. Any party to a hearing may be assisted or represented by any person, legally or otherwise.


7.           All parties will be given a fair hearing and each party will have the same amount of time in which to address the Sub-Committee and question each other. Each party will have 15 minutes to address the Sub-Committee and call any witnesses and 5 minutes for questions.


8.           However, where there are groups of individuals with a common interest, for example local residents making similar representations either for or against an application, consideration should be given to nominating a spokesperson. Otherwise the Sub-Committee may impose a time limit for such representations where there is pressure on the Sub-Committee to hear numerous applications in a short period of time or for any other valid reason.


9.           The Sub-Committee may take into account any documentary evidence or other information in support of the application or representations either before the hearing or, with the consent of all other parties, at the hearing.  For remote meetings the procedure set out in paragraphs 14 to 18 below will be followed.


10.        If any Representors fail to attend the hearing, the Sub-Committee will normally proceed but will consider their written representation. In considering written evidence in the absence of a Representor, appropriate weight will be attached, given that the person cannot be questioned by the Applicant and Members.


11.        The Sub-Committee is required to disregard any information given or evidence produced by a party or witness which is not relevant to the application, representations, or notice, and the promotion of the licensing objectives. Duplication should be avoided. Comments must be confined to those points not already made, although the parties may expand on their written submissions. The Sub-Committee will have read and familiarised themselves with all the written submissions and the issues prior to the hearing, and therefore do not require the points to be made at length. The Applicant and Representors cannot raise substantial new information at a hearing which has not been seen previously by the other parties.


12.        A Representor may not introduce any new ground or objection not referred to in their written submission. Additional representations which do not amount to an amplification of the original representation will not be considered by the Sub-Committee.


13.        Any person behaving in a disruptive manner will be asked to leave the hearing. However, if this occurs, that person will be entitled to submit in writing any information they would have been entitled to give orally.


Procedure prior to the Hearing - remote and hybrid meetings


14.        Where the meeting is held remotely or in hybrid form the Sub-Committee will use a video-conferencing platform when the hearing is in public session.  Clear instructions will be provided to participants on how to join the remote hearing.  The Sub-Committee may exclude the public from all or part of a hearing if it considers it is in the public interest to do so. Should any part of the hearing need to be held in private session, a separate private online meeting will be convened by the Sub-Committee using a secure video-conferencing platform.  This video-conferencing platform will also be used for decision making in private.


15.        All paperwork relevant to the hearing will be published online on the Council’s website, 5 working days before the remote hearing.  The documents will be produced in PDF format and will be paginated to permit ease of reference during the remote hearing.  Name and address details of those making representations will be made public. Telephone numbers, email addresses and signatures will be omitted.


16.        5 working days before the remote hearing is due to take place, the Council will contact the parties with a list of issues they would like any party to specifically address them on or clarify at the hearing.


17.        If in light of the Council’s list of issues any party wishes to produce any further documentary evidence they should submit this to the Council by email three working days before the hearing.


18.        Any documentary evidence that is not submitted to the Council by email three working days before the hearing will not be admitted without the agreement of all parties. If it is essential to a party’s case that the material be admitted, then the Sub-Committee will consider adjourning the remote hearing to allow all parties a fair opportunity to consider it.


19.        Should any party wish to rely on any points of law, specific references in the s.182 Guidance, specific references in the Council’s Policy or any other external resources, these should be set down in an electronic document and submitted to the Council by email three working days before the hearing.


Procedure prior to the Hearing – Physical Meetings


20.        The Members sitting on the Sub-Committee will have a briefing prior to the hearing, usually in the meeting room where the hearing is to take place. They will only be accompanied by the Democratic Services Officer and the Council’s Legal Advisor. During the briefing, attention will only be drawn to the nature of the application and the premises or person to which it relates and any procedural matters.


21.        At any hearing of an application, the Licensing Officer, the Applicant and any Representors or representatives will report to reception and be asked to wait in reception until called into the meeting room. Please arrive 15 minutes before the advertised start time.


Procedure at the Hearing


22.        The Chair introduces the Sub-Committee Members and Officers and welcomes the Applicant and Representors (or their representatives), and establishes the identity of all who will be taking part.


23.        The Chair will outline the procedure to be followed.


24.        The Chair will proceed with the order of business on the agenda.


Licensing Officer


25.        When the agenda item relating to the application is reached, the Chair will invite the Licensing Officer to present the application.


26.        The Chair will invite all parties (who have registered to speak) and/or their representative to ask questions of the Licensing Officer [maximum 5 minutes each party] in the following order:

·                    Applicant

·                    Police

·                    Other Responsible Authority [each in turn]

·                    Ward Councillors [each in turn]

·                    Interested Parties [each in turn]

·                    Sub-Committee Members [each in turn]


The Application


27.        The Chair will invite the Applicant and/or their representative to address the Sub-Committee, present information in support of the application and call any witnesses to support their application, one witness at a time [maximum 15 minutes].


28.        The Chair will invite the Representors (who have registered to speak) and/or their representative to ask questions of the Applicant and/or their representative in the following order  [maximum 5 minutes each party]


(i)           Police

(ii)         Other Responsible Authorities [each in turn]

(iii)        Ward Councillors [each in turn]

(iv)        Interested Parties [each in turn]

(v)         Sub-Committee Members [each in turn]


29.        The Applicant and each of their witnesses may be questioned by:


·                    Members of the Sub-Committee;

·                    The Sub-Committee’s legal adviser.


The Representations


30.        The Chair will invite the Representors (who have registered to speak) and/or their representatives to address the Sub-Committee, present information and call any witnesses in support of their representation [maximum 15 minutes each party] in the following order:


(i)           Police

(ii)         Other Responsible Authorities [each in turn]

(iii)        Ward Councillors [each in turn]

(iv)        Interested Parties [each in turn]


31.        After each presentation the Chair will invite questions from the Applicant and Representors (who have registered to speak) [maximum 5 minutes per party] in the following order:

·                    Applicant

·                    Police

·                    Other Responsible Authority [each in turn]

·                    Ward Councillors [each in turn]

·                    Interested Parties [each in turn]

·                    Sub-Committee Members [each in turn]


32.        Where there are groups of individuals with a common interest, for example local residents, presentation through an appointed spokesperson is preferred but not mandated.




33.        Cross-examination of another party is not normally permitted. However, the Sub-Committee will consider any application for permission to cross examine another party should any party wish to make such an application.




34.        The Chair will invite the Applicant and Representors (who have registered to speak) or their representative to summarise their case [maximum 5 minutes each party] in the following order:


(i)           Police

(ii)         Other Responsible Authorities [each in turn]

(iii)        Ward Councillors [each in turn]

(iv)        Interested Parties [each in turn]

(v)         Applicant


35.        The Chair will provide the Sub-Committee members with a final opportunity to seek clarification from any of the parties on any points raised, or seek advice from the Licensing Officer on policy, or from the Legal Advisor on law and jurisdiction.


36.        The Sub-Committee’s legal adviser may seek points of clarification from the Applicant, Representors or their representative.




37.        When all the evidence has been heard, the Chair will declare the hearing closed and ask the Licensing Officer, the Applicant and Representors (or their representatives) plus any witnesses present to leave the committee room and the Sub-Committee will consider the evidence.  Where the meeting is being held remotely or in hybrid form the Sub-Committee will withdraw to consider their decision in a separate private on line meeting.


38.        The Legal Adviser and Democratic Services Officer will remain present during the decision making process. These officers will not comment on the merits of the application, but will be present to provide advice on legal and procedural points and to record the decision.


39.        Unless expressly stated by the Sub-Committee in the hearing, the Sub-Committee will not invite the parties back into the committee room or return to the public online meeting to announce their decision. The Sub-Committee will provide an outline of their decision in writing to the Applicant and Representors on the day of the hearing concluding, unless further time is required to deliberate. The decision will then be communicated in full, in writing, including the reasons for the Sub-Committee’s decision, to the Applicant and Representors, usually within 5 working days of the hearing concluding. The full decision letter will include information about the rights of appeal against the determination made.


40.        In the event that the Sub-Committee do return to the public online meeting to announce their decision, the Sub-Committee will only announce an outline of their decision.  There can be no further questions or statements from any party. The decision will then be communicated in full, in writing, including the reasons for the Sub-Committee’s decision, to the Applicant and Representors, usually within 5 working days of the hearing concluding. The full decision letter will include information about the rights of appeal against the determination made.